
[윈도우 로그분석]1. 오픈소스 로그관리&분석 도구

아찔한유령 2012. 9. 21. 15:14

The open source log management tools are:

    1. OSSEC (ossec.net) an open source tool for analysis of real-time log data from Unix systems, Windows servers and network devices. It includes a set of useful default alerting rules as well as a web-based graphical user interface. This is THE tool to use, if you are starting up your log review program. It even has a book written about it.
    2. Snare agent (intersectalliance.com/projects/index.html) and ProjectLasso remote collector (sourceforge.net/projects/lassolog) are used to convert Windows Event Logs into syslog, a key component of any log management infrastructure today (at least until Visa/W7 log aggregation tools become mainstream).
    3. syslog-ng (balabit.com/network-security/syslog-ng/) is a replacement and improvement of classic syslog service - it also has a Windows version that can be used the same way as Snare
    4. rsyslog (rsyslog.com) is another notable replacement and improvement of syslog service that uses traditional (rather than ng-style) format for syslog.conf configuration files. No Windows version, but it has an associated front-end called phpLogCon
    5. Among the somewhat dated tools, Logwatch (logwatch.org), Lire (logreport.org) and LogSurfer (crypt.gen.nz/logsurfer) can all be used to summarize logs into readable reports.
    6. sec (simple-evcorr.sourceforge.net) can be used for correlating logs, even though most people will likely find OSSEC correlation a bit easier to use
    7. LogHound (ristov.users.sourceforge.net/loghound) and slct (ristov.users.sourceforge.net/slct) are more "research-grade" tools, that are still very useful for going thru a large pool of barely-structured log data.
    8. Log2timeline (log2timeline.net/) is a useful tool for investigative review of logs; it can create a timeline view out of raw log data.
    9. LogZilla (aka php-syslog-ng) (code.google.com/p/php-syslog-ng) is a simple PHP-based visual front-end for a syslog server to do searches, reports, etc